Connecting with Your Community Pharmacist

In this time of social distancing and other COVID-19 precautions, it’s nice to know that you can still count on your local pharmacy to provide medications, vaccinations and other services you need. Although your interactions may look a little different than they used to due to mask mandates and distancing requirements, your community pharmacists are still reliable members of your healthcare team.

According to the National Association of Chain Drug Stores Foundation, nearly all Americans (91%) live within five miles of a community pharmacy.[1] But even those who don’t live nearby, and those who are wary of in-person contact due to COVID risks, can still rely on their pharmacies, whose help and guidance are just a phone call away.

How Your Local Pharmacists Help You
Among adults 65 and older, 89% report they are currently taking a prescription medicine, and most seniors take at least four prescription medications. Keeping track of all these medications can be confusing, and if they’re prescribed by different doctors, who may be unaware of all the other prescription medications, dangerous drug interactions could occur.[2]

In addition, 23% of older adults who take prescription drugs say it is difficult to afford their medications. As a result, most of these adults say they don’t always take their medications as prescribed, so they can save money.[3

These are just two of the potential problems your local pharmacists can help you solve. Review this list for more information about how your pharmacists may be able to assist you.[4]

  1. Understand your medicine
    Your pharmacist can explain what each medication is for and how best to take it, such as time of day, with food or without, etc. Your pharmacist can also discuss potential side effects and what to do if you experience side effects.
  1. Keep track of your doses
    If you have trouble remembering to take your medicine or struggle to get the right dosage at the right time, your pharmacist can help by recommending tools, such as a daily pillbox or a mobile app that sends reminders. Some pharmacies may even provide each day’s drugs in multi-dose packets, so you just have to remember to take every medication in the packet at the time of day specified.
  1. Avoid drug interactions
    Because those over 65 often have multiple medical conditions that have to be treated by different doctors, drug interactions are a concern. That’s why doctors always ask for lists of everything you take, including non-prescription medicines and supplements. But if you rely on a single source for all your medications, potential drug interactions are easier to spot, and your pharmacist can work with your doctors to help you stay safe.
  1. Manage other health conditions
    Pharmacists can provide a full range of vaccinations and can teach you how to use health equipment such as nebulizers and blood glucose monitors.
  1. Save money
    You are most likely to get better prices, primarily through lower copays, at a preferred pharmacy in your network, rather than a standard option. So when you search for pharmacies, look for the PREFERRED indicator. In addition, your pharmacist can connect you to prescription discounts and aid programs that can cut your costs dramatically.

If you are ready to connect with your local preferred pharmacy, use the pharmacy locator at Under PHARMACY TYPE, select PREFERRED, then click the SEARCH button.


[1] National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) Foundation. Face-to-Face with Community Pharmacies.

[2] Kaiser Family Foundation (2019). Data Note: Prescription Drugs and Older Adults.

[3] Kaiser Family Foundation (2019). Data Note: Prescription Drugs and Older Adults.

[4] Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2021). Get to Know Your Pharmacist.


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Elixir Insurance is a Prescription Drug Plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in Elixir Insurance depends on contract renewal. For more information, please call our customer service number at 866-250-2005. TTY users call 711. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. ATTENTION: If you speak Spanish, language assistance services, free of charge, are available to you. Call 866-250-2005 (TTY: 711). ATENCIÓN: si habla Español, los servicios de asistencia lingüística, sin cargo, están disponibles para usted. Llamada 866-250-2005 (TTY: 711).

Elixir Insurance, 2181 East Aurora Road, Suite 201, Twinsburg, OH 44087, United States


Topics: Pharmacy Network, Part D Prescription Drugs, Elixir Insurance, Pharmacies, Helpful Tips

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* Other pharmacies are available in our network. Visit and select LOCATE PHARMACY for a complete list.